One suggestion I would like to give the girls is this ...
Please Don't Guess What The Guy Is Going To Do ...
I've danced with quite a number of ladies during my short duration of learning salsa, and the main cause of a lot of injuries that I have seen (and some, personally inflicted unfortunately) is when there is a clash in the moves that are occurring. The girl thinks the guy is going to do something, but the guy may actually do something else, causing a clash of arms, elbows and bodies.
Now, I am not saying that this is the girl's fault. There are always two sides of the coin, and there are usualyl three main reasons why this occur:
1. As said above, the girl is trying to guess what the guy is going to do.
2. The guy's lead is not sufficient and clear, thus leadnig the girl to guess what the guy is intending to do.
3. The guy may have been doing a similar pattern throughout the dance, and the girl guess that he will do the same thing again.
Girls ... Relax ... Most of us guys don't really know what we are doing on the dance floor, let alone know the next move. Even though the moves the guy maybe doing is part from the pattern from class, or something that he's been doing like a gazillion times before in another dance, don't guess. Let the guy lead and sometimes you may be in for a nice surprise when the guy suddenly does something different.
For guys, you just have to identify which kind of dancer you are. Personally, I know I fall into the category 3 (start being routine in my moves) so I usually have to add other moves in between. Identify your dancing habits, and work on the little chinks ... this would make it all the more fun and exciting to dance with someone when you don't really know what to expect.